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Sunday, September 26, 2010

What is the shelf life of a honey-do?

This was not a hiking weekend but I did manage to store up some honey do points for my next hiking weekend. We may have some house guests in the next few days so I spent my time cleaning up the place on the outside while Karen worked on the inside. A young man Karen has formed a relationship with had a heart transplant late last week and it is possible that some of the family members may need a place to stay. So we spent the time making the hacienda more presentable.
I am in the early planning stages of taking a weekend trip up to Mt. Cheaha and doing the Pinhoti, Chinnabee and Skyline trail loop over 2 or 3 days. My guess is that 2 days will be sufficient but I will leave room in case Curbie and I want to take our time. The trip will be in late October after we spend a little time at the beach. I am really excited about the possibilities. Normally when I go out for an extended trip it is with another person but his time it will be just Curbie and I. Curbie has not spent the night out on the trail before so this could be interesting. Right now my plan for her will be a lead rope out of paracord or some sort of run on the paracord. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
I will begin my trip at the Adams Gap Trailhead taking the Pinhoti trail to the intersection of the Chinnabee Silent Trail. I will hike over to the shelter on the Chinnabee Trail above the falls and spend the night. If that is taken I will go back down the trail to the falls and use one of the large campsites there. The next day I will go over to the Skyline Trail and head back to the Adams Gap Trailhead. If I do not make it all the way then I will just do a stealth camp and come out the next morning. I do not think I will have any problems going all the way the second day but if not no problem.
This will give me a chance to try out my water filter in some of the available creeks in that area. It is nice not having to carry so much water like I do in Big Bend. At over 8 pounds per gallon water is one heavy load. Having to only carry my 2 liter dromedary bag makes life a lot easier on a then 63 year old body. My workout routine has certainly paid dividends in the cardio fitness area. I still huff and puff some on the longer uphill but the recovery time has been excellent. I do have to make sure that I am hydrating enough though. I have a bad habit of drinking only when I am thirsty which is not recommended. I need to drink regularly and not get behind the curve.
I will try and be a dutiful photographer on the trip so that I can post on my humble blog. Sometimes I get to having too much fun or engrossed in the scenery that I forget to memorialize the moment. I will try to do better.

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