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Thursday, September 30, 2010

"One is the loneliest number"

I have been backpacking since 1985 and have been on many week long trips, especially in the southwest desert. However, during all that time I have never been on a solo overnight trip. That will change tomorrow when I head to the Sipsey Wilderness for an overnighter. Technically, I will not be alone because Curbie is going with me.

We will probably hike 15 to 20 miles over the weekend but the weather is going to be nice and cool so that should not be a problem. I have packed and repacked my backback about 4 times now removing gear each time. I am carrying more weight than I need but I want to work on my gear so I am bringing some extra things.

I will post a trip report on Sunday if the bugger bear did not get me.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What is the shelf life of a honey-do?

This was not a hiking weekend but I did manage to store up some honey do points for my next hiking weekend. We may have some house guests in the next few days so I spent my time cleaning up the place on the outside while Karen worked on the inside. A young man Karen has formed a relationship with had a heart transplant late last week and it is possible that some of the family members may need a place to stay. So we spent the time making the hacienda more presentable.
I am in the early planning stages of taking a weekend trip up to Mt. Cheaha and doing the Pinhoti, Chinnabee and Skyline trail loop over 2 or 3 days. My guess is that 2 days will be sufficient but I will leave room in case Curbie and I want to take our time. The trip will be in late October after we spend a little time at the beach. I am really excited about the possibilities. Normally when I go out for an extended trip it is with another person but his time it will be just Curbie and I. Curbie has not spent the night out on the trail before so this could be interesting. Right now my plan for her will be a lead rope out of paracord or some sort of run on the paracord. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know.
I will begin my trip at the Adams Gap Trailhead taking the Pinhoti trail to the intersection of the Chinnabee Silent Trail. I will hike over to the shelter on the Chinnabee Trail above the falls and spend the night. If that is taken I will go back down the trail to the falls and use one of the large campsites there. The next day I will go over to the Skyline Trail and head back to the Adams Gap Trailhead. If I do not make it all the way then I will just do a stealth camp and come out the next morning. I do not think I will have any problems going all the way the second day but if not no problem.
This will give me a chance to try out my water filter in some of the available creeks in that area. It is nice not having to carry so much water like I do in Big Bend. At over 8 pounds per gallon water is one heavy load. Having to only carry my 2 liter dromedary bag makes life a lot easier on a then 63 year old body. My workout routine has certainly paid dividends in the cardio fitness area. I still huff and puff some on the longer uphill but the recovery time has been excellent. I do have to make sure that I am hydrating enough though. I have a bad habit of drinking only when I am thirsty which is not recommended. I need to drink regularly and not get behind the curve.
I will try and be a dutiful photographer on the trip so that I can post on my humble blog. Sometimes I get to having too much fun or engrossed in the scenery that I forget to memorialize the moment. I will try to do better.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Hole in the Wall Gang

Because of some medical issues my mom has been experiencing I have not been out in the outdoors for a few weeks. Even though the weather has not really cooled off yet I was anxious to get back up to the Sipsey Wilderness. I was not alone because Curbie could sense that she was going to be included. I got up at 3 am on Saturday morning and was quickly joined by the wonder dog from upstairs. Since I had put together my pack the night before it was not too long before I was loading up the truck.

As soon as I opened the back hatch Curbie was in and taking her place in the back seat ready to go. I told her that I was not ready yet but she was not going to be left behind. After pulling together and packing all my gear plus an ice chest for when I got back to the truck we were ready to go. After a short stop at the local service station for coffee we got on I65 sometime around 4 am.

We connected to Corridor X and up to Jasper, then over to Double Springs and finally arrived at the Sipsey River Picnic Area much too early. I had never been to this trailhead before so I did not know what to expect. It was still very dark so I took my time getting things ready to go. But the wonder dog was ready to go so I said okay. Using my flashlight periodically to get over some rooty areas we were gone. We were on the Borden Creek Trail (200) heading to the Sipsey River Trail (209). I was not prepared for all the people that were camping in the area. Even some boy scouts were there with tents actually pitched on the trail. (Scout leaders; please make your scouts pitch their tents off the trail. People actually do hike at night). I knew after a while that I had missed the turnoff to the Sipsey River Trail. So I thought I would hike the length of the Borden Creek Trail and catch the Sipsey River Trail on the return.

I am certainly glad that I made that decision. The Borden Creek Trail is a beautiful trail with many rock formations and cliff walls. You can stay down by the creek or you can hike up near the cliffs. What a great place to be. I now know why this area has so many people. It is very accessible and the trail is not hard to hike. Once I reached the Hole in The Wall near the terminus of the trail I took a little break and headed back to find the 209 Trail marker. In order to avoid some tents near the trail I hiked up close to the cliffs only to hear “Get away from me dog, I am trying to use the bathroom!!” I was laughing to myself as Curbie was licking the less that fully clothed man in the bushes.

A short time later we ran into a couple with a pit bull that Curbie fell in love with. They would meet again on the trail several hours later and play and play. The couple was really nice and was like me in that they had missed the trail marker last night when they hiked in. I parted to continue my journey. Eventually I found the trail marker in the daylight. A camper had hung all their gear over the trail marker making it impossible to see in the dark. I do not understand how people can be so idiotic.

The rest of the day was spent hiking on the 209 down to Trail 202. Once there I took a little lunch and water break and Curbie went for a swim. I ran back into the Scout Troop again. They had broken their group into two parts. The older boys were in the lead group and the younger boys were in the trailing group. As an old Eagle Scout with Troop 32 in Monroe, Louisiana I always have a soft place in my heart for scouting and the adults who lead them. If I was more industrious I think I would get involved with a troop in some way. Some of the happiest days in my life were in scouting. Orrie White and Sam Walker were my scoutmasters and they took us camping most weekends. What a great time in my life.

When we got back to the truck in the middle of the afternoon we had walked about 18 miles and my feet and knees were a little sore. We got home took a shower and rooted LSU to victory against Mississippi State.